the problem with halloween


The problem with Halloween is I love to dress up, but I never have time to devote to thinking about a costume until it’s almost too late to get anything good, and even if I do… well, the costs involved in the kinds of costumes I invariably imagine are prohibitive when I have less than two weeks to save.

This year, for example.

It occurred to me quite suddenly the other night that what I would really love to be for Halloween is a dominatrix. I mean, full-out, all leather dress. With boots. With an implement or two hanging from my belt. Maybe a pair of cuffs in my handbag, for those who were curious enough to ask.

I mean, why not? Halloween’s all about being something you’re not. I may not be able to carry off true domme-ability in life, but hey, for Halloween, wearing leather, looking the part, hey! I’m all for it.

Problem is, of course, that I figured this out two weeks before Halloween, and given the total cost of these items (ouch) it will take me just a little more than two weeks to save for such a purchase.

Maybe I’ll just start saving up for next year, just in case. 😉

About the author

Vikki McKay

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  • you mean you don’t have knee high boots, leather dress, cuffs and a whip in your cupboard?
    and there’s me thinking everyone did…

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