

You know, I’ve been keeping a sex blog for – what – 4 years now? And it never ceases to amaze me the number of come-ons I get in my inbox every week. That’s not bragging, folks, just for the record; it truly is flabbergasted disbelief.

I’ve been approached (via email) by couples, single men, married men, transvestites, subbie boys, dominant men, even a couple of women. I’ve been offered coffee, dinner, spankings, fingerings, a few of you have even offered cunnilingus to help me get over my squicks. (Now, if some of you had offered a new condo or a set of wheels or, hell, even some Godiva chocolate… oh, relax, I’m only kidding! Mostly…)

And strangely, while I have no trouble fending off interested requests on online personals, I get oddly quiet and hesitant to respond when people approach me through this blog. I’ve made exceptions over the years, of course, but those are rare.

I guess the thing is that it would never occur to me to approach someone based on what I read in their blog, sex blog or no. Is it a guy thing? I don’t know. I’m sure they’re thinking: nothing ventured, nothing gained, and they’re quite right… it just feels strange to me.

If we could suspend disease, personal taste and my own inner morality for just one day, I’d call each and every one of you up, tell you to meet me at a hotel room in my city and we could fuck, suck and get all sweaty, all together in one big pile like randy puppies, until we were each too exhausted to lick our lips. Honest.

But until then, no matter how wonderfully written or sweetly intentioned, I’m just not likely to respond to your proposition, suggestion, or offer when I don’t even know you. I’m sure there are some – perhaps even many – who meet their someone of the moment or someone special via their blog. I’m just not ever going to be that person.

Right now, there’s one other reason I’m not going to be able to respond to your propositions. I know I said I wasn’t going to mention current beaus on here any more, because we all remember what happened the last time… Vikki ended up taking a several month hiatus from blogging rather than face the music online. I’m such a sexy little coward. 😉

However, it probably does bear mentioning that I have been dating someone for several months, and yes, it does seem rather serious. No, I’m not going to talk about him here but yes, I am very happy, and well spanked. *laughs*

But thank you all the same for the well-intentioned propositions!

About the author

Vikki McKay


Leave a Reply to R. T. Cancel reply

  • It’s great to hear you’re alive and well 🙂 Have fun, and don’t worry about what your readers think — success or not, it’s your relationship, not ours.

  • Live and enjoy! 😉
    Oh – by the way: did you read the new Emma Holly book? If not, you definetely should! *sigh* 😉

  • I’m a guy and I think this site rocks! I think there should be more stories such as “the lover: the gift and payback” with a married woman torn between her husband and a sexy man. Great series of stories there, can you let me know when more stories like that become available? Thanks.

  • smiles. Spent the last hour or so reading your blog…yes, I have nothing better to do, besides…it distracted me (pleasantly) from rambling on about nothing in particular on my own blog. Just wanted to say, your blog is wonderful. Muchly enjoyed. keep it up 🙂

  • This is a well written, and entertaining blog. I absolutely love it. Will certainly keep coming back! 🙂

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