guest blogging


I, along with fellow Canadians Mike and Michelle, will be guest blogging at ErosBlog over the next several weeks while its owner, Bacchus, takes a much-needed vacation.

Personally, I think the guy is planning to hole up somewhere on a deserted beach with some nubile young thing and suck pomegranate seeds from her navel. And more power to ‘im, I say.

At any rate, since I don’t often have time to do as much intelligent sex browsing (read: not looking for porn) online as I’d like, please send along any links you find interesting in the next few weeks, to help me out.

About the author

Vikki McKay


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  • I’m packing, can’t you tell I’m packing?
    I swear, next time I’m going to let you do my vacation programming. I like what I’ve got in mind, but I like what you’ve got in mind a lot better. My project is going to involve a lot of whiskey and mosquitoes and guys and guns and bullshit and absolutely zero chance of getting laid.

  • Hi! Just got a moment of web access. I’m very sorry the tech stuff didn’t work out for the guest blogging, but I still thank you ever so much, Vikki, for being willing.
    I’ll be back at the end of the month. Having fun but miss you all and miss blogging!

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