There are so few good movies out there that explore power exchange. BDSM porn is useless to me, in most cases, since it’s incredibly contrived and the actors so rarely enjoy their roles or the activities they’re performing. What’s more, the eroticism just isn’t there in most cases. And for me, BDSM is about eroticism. Power exchange isn’t matter of fact: it’s erotic. Devastatingly so. I crave the ability to see that on screen.
Which leaves me to look to mainstream movies to get my power exchange fix. And while there aren’t a lot of them, there are a few. My favorites include:
Secretary – well, now, that’s just obvious, isn’t it? But it’s still very erotic. Took me several watchings to get over my anger at the filmmakers for taking to extremes what could have been a lovely basic story that reflects many BDSMers initial inner conflicts, but I still identify with the girl at crucially erotic moments, discovering how much she likes to be spanked, how his very reticence enthralls her…
Swept Away – I understand that this is a remake, and also tanked at every box office in the world, but there are parts of it I enjoy. While some of the message is a little bolloxed up, the one theme – with submission to someone stronger, you find your own strength – is one I identify with. And frankly, Adriano Giannini is just hot.
Body of Evidence – Well, yeah, I know, again the movie is not the best in the world, but William Dafoe and Madonna are an interesting mix onscreen. I love her power and her strength in the “love” scenes. Plus, really, I just think Madonna’s hot. Must be leftover from my material girl days. Wait. Are those days over yet?
Basic Instinct – For all its shortcomings, I still find these scenes very sexy. It is the mindfuck in this film that gets to me on a BDSM level. While they don’t state it outright, it’s pretty clear that Sharon Stone’s character has a pretty thorough understanding of power play. And she uses is to toe-curling advantage. Particularly the teasing scenes in the club, and well, anything with white silk scarves is OK by me, minus the ice pick of course.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer – The episode in Season 6 (I can’t remember the name of it right now, darnit) where Spike lightly “doms” Buffy up on the balcony of The Bronze. Solid gold. That scene turns me on so much I’m liable to jump the nearest person while watching it. Thank goodness they never show that episode in public anywhere. Who knows what I’d do?
Queer as Folk – Many episodes feature the concepts of power exchange, and Brian is just plain dommy. Or is that yummy? Deliciously erotic gay sex throughout.
Wild Orchid – Now this is another basically lame movie, BUT: Mickey Rourke is unbelivably dommy in the film, though without the usual trappings. He’s definitely at the top of the power exchange. When he sends her up to have sex with the stranger, and she clings to the bars in the window, looking down at him… damn. Hot hot hot.
I know there are more. lists Mainstream Films featuring BDSM Practices, which in my book is NOT the same thing, as many of these are torture/rape/death scenes and not sexy at all. But it’s a start.
Anyone know of other movies I should try?
GUH…Queer As Folk and The Secretary are my favorites!
Okay, I’m gonna have to totally re-watch those now. I must have slept through something.
*sighs* I’m no Buffy-Junkie, but I came across that scene once and… Wow. I stayed up until the early morning hours to watch it again (VCR broken, damn it!).
Wild Orchid? Yes! Those were the days when you could look at Rourke without feeling pity for him. And this particular scene: Yummy!!
Enjoy your christmas all the best for the new year!
You must see Blue Velvet. It’s David Lynch, so what more can I say.
Two of my favorite movies are Japanese:-
1. Shall We Dansu ?
This is the original ( later butchered by Hollywood starring Richard Gere ). The Japanese movie ( comes with English subtitles ) is deliciously kinky, and yet doesn’t have a sex scene in the whole thing.
2. The Audition
Not for the faint hearted. Has brutal torture. My problem with it is the poor subtitling which gets what the characters are saying wrong, especially at the end of the movie. Still it is worth watching.
Both these movies are readily available if you ask around.
Soooo obvious: Story Of “O”
I prefer the 1975 french version (dubbed in English) with Corine Clery by Just Jacklin (director of the original Emanuelle movie) it is so etherial.
The Brazillian (or S American) remake DVD version is good too – though it is about 10 hours !!!
I guess hardly anyone has seen the movie “Young Adam” with Ewin McGregor. It’s a brooding dark tale of a young man who uses a number of women, one of whom is accidentally killed. There is an intense spanking scene in it that should push the buttons of any woman whose buttons include a little humilation with her spanking and sex. Far better that Secretary though the BDSM themes in this one belog more to the character’s personna than the theme of the movie…
I like films where the females dominate males. Despite the lesbian overtones, Xena fills the bill on many occasions. There is a dark film, Street Asylum, that explores the man’s (strangely played by Gordon Liddy) need to be totally dominated. Just about anything where the female demands oral sex gets me going.
Ah, you forgot the classic, “Belle de Jour.” How about “Tokyo Decadence”? And one of my favorites for female domination is “The Last Seduction.” Linda Fiorintino is unforgettable fucking him against the chain-link fence.
Yes, and we must not forget “9 1/2 Weeks.”
A lot of women I know who enjoy “Secretary” also seem to enjoy “Buffalo 66,” a funny, dark movie starring Vincent Gallo as a guy who kidnaps a woman as soon as he gets out of jail and… well, you should probably just watch it.
Oh Yeah,
you want to see “wild side” with Anne Heche and Joan Chen — stupid plot really, but that ONE SCENE (the one with Anne Heche and Joan Chen) is worth the price of admission
There is also one scene in that movie that I can’t stand though — just speed past that one.
Try “Paris, France” with Leslie Hope dominating Peter Outerbridge. Dirt cheap on DVD.
“Blue Velvet”, as someone else mentioned. And you should definitely watch the original “Swept Away”. Very hot!
Try “The Lover” with Jane March & Tony Leung. Beautifully filmed in Vietnam, about 1991. Make sure to get the uncut version!