and so


You know, when I first set up this blog a billion and a half years ago (4+ years ago, Internet time) I set up a single guideline: no talking about present lovers. I could talk about the past, fantasize about the future, but no fair mentioning current partners.

It was for my own sanity, really – it’s the only way I could force myself to write uncensored, not worrying about what the current partner thought about what I was writing.

And also, you know, not having to broach the subject of the inevitable breakup in public.

So, I’m finally going to bite the bullet before this diary disintegrates into dust from disuse, and say yes, The Boy and I broke up and no, I don’t want to talk about it.

I’ll just consider this a good reminder of why I set my guideline in the first place, and return to it.

More sexy posts soon, I promise!

About the author

Vikki McKay
By Vikki McKay

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